Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's fall

I noticed that a few of the horses sported a little fuzzy hair today. The onset of winter coats.

I had my usual trunk in the barn but hadn't needed anything from it for quite awhile. I opened it up the other day and discovered that it was moist and moldy inside. There was nothing liquid in it, it was just waaaaay too humid this summer. It felt just like after the flood of 2008 -- get the bleach out and start cleaning. At least it was sunny today so things could be put out in the sun besides. I ended up having to toss a lot of stuff but saved most of it.

All of my horses want something to do -- they are bored. Bruce paint a bit of a new section of fence. We use asphalt paint-- it's black and actually has some asphalt in it. It helps to preserve the wood so it will last longer -- and it tastes yukky so the horses will leave stuff alone. Well.... Brian, Banner and expecially Calum thought they would help Bruce to spread the paint . Poor Calum got so much on his nose he was snorting and sneezing trying to remove it.

We have had a three legged tomcat move in. All our cats are neutered of course so he isn't here for anything other than food and company. And of course both of us are suckers for cats. Bruce calls him Charlie and I call him K.C. (for kitty cat). I don't know how this guy has survived. He is large and healthy (for a nomadic tomcat). And he seems to have avoided the coyotes all this time because he isn't a young cat -- he's full grown. Our neutered male cat Derek is not very happy at the moment. The two of them have had a few stand offs already and all the females swat him.

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